
Unie soudních znalců, z.s.
Pod Višňovkou 1661/31
140 00 Praha 4 - Krč

Tel: 00420 604 250 879



author of professional publications „A new set of forthcoming European standards in the theory and Practice EN/IEC 62305 Protection against lightning“ (SPBI Ostrava 2006)
co-authored professional publications „Protection against lightning and overvoltage protection from the viewpoint of authorized expert' (SPBI Ostrava 2010)
  „Lightning protection and earthing“ (IN-EL Praha 2008)
co-author of the translation file Czech technical standards: CSN EN 62305 Protection against lightning (01/2006)
co-author of standards PNE 33 0000-5 Location of surge protection devices SPD type 1 (Class requirements B) electrical installations in the sampling device (01/2008)
guarantor of the translation file Slovak technical standards STN EN 62305 Protection against lightning (2007)
lectures at events TU-VŠB Ostrava: international conference EPE, VŠB TU Ostrava FBI: Fire protection 2005, Atmospheric discharge and fire protection of buildings DT České Budějovice: Červený kohout 2010;
  ČKAIT Praha, Solid Team Olomouc, ESČ Praha, MSE CZ Brno, Propagteam, LP Elektro, UNIT Pardubice, IRIS Havířov, VVUÚ Ostrava, Elmax Slovensko.
publications in professional journals Electro, Electrical Engineering in Practice, Electrical fitter, Energetics, ETM, Zkrat, Horizon Insurance, World Engine, Electrics CZ, in the conference proceedings.